Alex Mayall
Co-Host of Odds and Evenings
Alex works for a venture capital firm in London. Previously he was the host of the /r/Futurology podcast and was the head of Oxford's student radio station. He loves geometry and believes the hexagon to be the best shape, objectively speaking.
Alex Mayall has hosted 33 Episodes.
#32 - Quiz Shows, Queues and Quavers
15 June 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
math, mathematics, maths, music, simulation
Topics Discussed:
- Only Connect Loops
- Adding a Teller
- Alternative Tunings
- Only Connect Loops
#31 - Cards, Competitions and Celebrations (w/ Matthew Scroggs)
9 November 2019 | 1 hr 16 mins
card games, prime day, quantum, tennis, tournaments
Topics Discussed:
- Quantum Go Fish
- Amateur-Professional Tennis Tournament Problem
- Prime Day
#30 - Delta-Y, Diversity and Dynamics
14 July 2019 | 53 mins 37 secs
electricity, graph theory, math, mathematics, maths, physics
Topics Discussed:
- Resistor Mathematics
- How to Measure Diversity
- Balloon in a Car
Mini Episode: Bidding Game
5 July 2019 | 12 mins 12 secs
#bigmathoff, aperiodical, game theory, maths, probability
A Bonus Episode made for the Big Internet Math Off
#29 - Pyramids, Pitches and Pumps
10 June 2019 | 1 hr 7 mins
math, mathematics, maths, number theory, pascal, physics
Topics Discussed:
- Pascal's Pyramid
- Sound Quality
- Fish Tank Siphoning
#28 - Rugby, Rolling and Robots
16 March 2019 | 1 hr 33 mins
cellular automata, computing, math, mathematics, maths, number theory, probability, turing machine
Topics Discussed:
- Rugby Training Problem
- Busy Beavers
- Gamble Shambles
#27 - Strangers, Scaling and Scores
14 February 2019 | 1 hr 9 mins
applied maths, books, games, graph theory
Topics Discussed:
- Ramsey's Theorem
- Scaling
- Sports and Games Rating
#26 - Geometry, Goblins and Getting to Pubs
28 January 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
game theory, geometry, history of maths, math, mathematics, maths, optimisation
Topics Discussed:
- Rational Geometry
- Goblin Game
- Car Pool Problem
#25 - Codes, Coins and Criss-Crosses
24 December 2018 | 1 hr 11 mins
christmas, ciphers, codes, cryptography, game theory, math, mathematics, maths
Topics Discussed:
- Wythoff's Game
- A Christmas Cipher
- Zig Zag Lights
#24 - Shamir's, Sums and Seatings
15 December 2018 | 1 hr 5 mins
information theory, math, mathematics, maths, number theory, numbers, puzzles, sequences
Topics Discussed:
- Trapezium Numbers
- Shamir's Shared Secrets
- Vampire and Werewolf Lies
#23 - Ants, Arcs and Awkward Patterns
26 November 2018 | 55 mins 46 secs
3d shapes, math, mathematics, maths, number theory, numbers, puzzles, sequences, topology
Topics Discussed:
- Factorial Terminating Digits
- Making Polyhedra with your Limbs
- Spiders and an Ant Pursuit Puzzle
#22 - Pandemics, Padovan’s and Pumpkins
31 October 2018 | 1 hr 5 mins
cellular automata, halloween, knot theory, math, mathematics, maths, music, number theory, numbers, puzzles, topology
Topics Discussed:
- Zombies and Vampires
- The Maths of Conversations
- Brunnian Pumpkin Carving
#21 - Torque, Truth and Time Signatures
19 October 2018 | 1 hr 12 mins
math, mathematics, maths, music, number theory, numbers, physics, puzzles
Topics Discussed:
- Bike Pedals
- Time Signatures
- Taking an Offer Puzzles
#20 - Tangles, Twists and Trots
26 September 2018 | 1 hr 1 min
algorithms, calculus, geometry, graph theory, juggling, math, mathematics, maths, podcast
Topics Discussed:
- Untangling Planar Graphs
- The Length of Spirals
- Juggling and Horse Gaits
#19 - Probability, Pubs and Power
10 September 2018 | 54 mins 49 secs
game theory, math, mathematics, maths, podcast, probability, statistics
Topics Discussed:
- Dominion Probabilities
- The Cheapest Beer in Prague
- The Angel Problem
#18 - Pads, Plato and Pirates
15 August 2018 | 57 mins 48 secs
graph theory, math, mathematics, maths, number theory, philosophy, podcast, puzzles
Topics Discussed:
- Keypad Code Guessing
- Platonism vs Formalism
- Pirate Plunder Puzzle