Odds and Evenings
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
33 episodes of Odds and Evenings since the first episode, which aired on 10 December 2017.
#32 - Quiz Shows, Queues and Quavers
15 June 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
math, mathematics, maths, music, simulation
Topics Discussed:
- Only Connect Loops
- Adding a Teller
- Alternative Tunings
- Only Connect Loops
#31 - Cards, Competitions and Celebrations (w/ Matthew Scroggs)
9 November 2019 | 1 hr 16 mins
card games, prime day, quantum, tennis, tournaments
Topics Discussed:
- Quantum Go Fish
- Amateur-Professional Tennis Tournament Problem
- Prime Day
#30 - Delta-Y, Diversity and Dynamics
14 July 2019 | 53 mins 37 secs
electricity, graph theory, math, mathematics, maths, physics
Topics Discussed:
- Resistor Mathematics
- How to Measure Diversity
- Balloon in a Car
Mini Episode: Bidding Game
5 July 2019 | 12 mins 12 secs
#bigmathoff, aperiodical, game theory, maths, probability
A Bonus Episode made for the Big Internet Math Off
#29 - Pyramids, Pitches and Pumps
10 June 2019 | 1 hr 7 mins
math, mathematics, maths, number theory, pascal, physics
Topics Discussed:
- Pascal's Pyramid
- Sound Quality
- Fish Tank Siphoning
#28 - Rugby, Rolling and Robots
16 March 2019 | 1 hr 33 mins
cellular automata, computing, math, mathematics, maths, number theory, probability, turing machine
Topics Discussed:
- Rugby Training Problem
- Busy Beavers
- Gamble Shambles
#27 - Strangers, Scaling and Scores
14 February 2019 | 1 hr 9 mins
applied maths, books, games, graph theory
Topics Discussed:
- Ramsey's Theorem
- Scaling
- Sports and Games Rating
#26 - Geometry, Goblins and Getting to Pubs
28 January 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
game theory, geometry, history of maths, math, mathematics, maths, optimisation
Topics Discussed:
- Rational Geometry
- Goblin Game
- Car Pool Problem
#25 - Codes, Coins and Criss-Crosses
24 December 2018 | 1 hr 11 mins
christmas, ciphers, codes, cryptography, game theory, math, mathematics, maths
Topics Discussed:
- Wythoff's Game
- A Christmas Cipher
- Zig Zag Lights
#24 - Shamir's, Sums and Seatings
15 December 2018 | 1 hr 5 mins
information theory, math, mathematics, maths, number theory, numbers, puzzles, sequences
Topics Discussed:
- Trapezium Numbers
- Shamir's Shared Secrets
- Vampire and Werewolf Lies
#23 - Ants, Arcs and Awkward Patterns
26 November 2018 | 55 mins 46 secs
3d shapes, math, mathematics, maths, number theory, numbers, puzzles, sequences, topology
Topics Discussed:
- Factorial Terminating Digits
- Making Polyhedra with your Limbs
- Spiders and an Ant Pursuit Puzzle
#22 - Pandemics, Padovan’s and Pumpkins
31 October 2018 | 1 hr 5 mins
cellular automata, halloween, knot theory, math, mathematics, maths, music, number theory, numbers, puzzles, topology
Topics Discussed:
- Zombies and Vampires
- The Maths of Conversations
- Brunnian Pumpkin Carving
#21 - Torque, Truth and Time Signatures
19 October 2018 | 1 hr 12 mins
math, mathematics, maths, music, number theory, numbers, physics, puzzles
Topics Discussed:
- Bike Pedals
- Time Signatures
- Taking an Offer Puzzles
#20 - Tangles, Twists and Trots
26 September 2018 | 1 hr 1 min
algorithms, calculus, geometry, graph theory, juggling, math, mathematics, maths, podcast
Topics Discussed:
- Untangling Planar Graphs
- The Length of Spirals
- Juggling and Horse Gaits
#19 - Probability, Pubs and Power
10 September 2018 | 54 mins 49 secs
game theory, math, mathematics, maths, podcast, probability, statistics
Topics Discussed:
- Dominion Probabilities
- The Cheapest Beer in Prague
- The Angel Problem
#18 - Pads, Plato and Pirates
15 August 2018 | 57 mins 48 secs
graph theory, math, mathematics, maths, number theory, philosophy, podcast, puzzles
Topics Discussed:
- Keypad Code Guessing
- Platonism vs Formalism
- Pirate Plunder Puzzle